Return & Refund Process

We’re here to help if you need to return an item or request a refund. Just contact us at and let us know why you’d like to return your purchase. We’ll get back to you within 12 hours to sort things out.

Sometimes we might need a photo or video to understand the situation better. We know it’s a bit of extra work, but it really helps us serve you better.

Quick tip: Don’t send anything back to the address on the shipping label just yet. Once we’ve approved your return, we’ll give you the right address to use.

It’s always best to reach out to us before sending anything back. This way, we can work together to find the best solution for you as quickly as possible.

Return & Refund Conditions

  • Changed your mind before we’ve shipped? No worries! We’ll refund you in full within 3 business days.
  • Already shipped? We’re afraid we can’t cancel at this point, but let us know if you have any other concerns.
  • Item arrived, but you’ve had a change of heart? We understand! Send it back in its original condition, and we’ll refund you fully within 3 business days of receiving it. You’ll just need to cover the return shipping.
  • Received the wrong item? Oops, our bad! We’ll either refund you fully or send out the correct item right away — your choice. We’ll cover any extra shipping costs.
  • Quality issue? We’re sorry to hear that. Let us know if you’d prefer a partial or full refund, or if you’d like us to send a replacement. We’ll take care of any extra shipping.
  • We made a mistake on the address? That’s entirely on us. We’ll either refund you fully or send out a new package ASAP — whatever works best for you. We’ll handle any extra shipping costs.
  • Package stolen after delivery? We’re so sorry that happened. Unfortunately, we can’t offer a refund or replacement in this case, but we truly sympathize with your situation.
  • Statue(s) lost in transit? That’s frustrating! We can either refund you fully or send out a free replacement — just let us know which you’d prefer.

Need Help?

Remember, we’re here to help make things right. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance. Your satisfaction is our top priority! Contact us.